Sunday, November 22, 2009

The language of life is I can.....

Last weekend I attended a program by Deepak Shinde from Alma Mater. He is not really a motivational speaker but rather he likes to be addressed as a "teacher". This program motivated me to write this blog and share with everybody what I learned through him. This was the third program attended by me, first being "Why bad happen to good people" and other being "Faith". These programs have embedded so deep in my mind and I follow them as much as I can in my daily life. But this blog is about "The language of life is I can....." So, here goes an enunciation from me:

Stop using bad words. What input we give to our minds is the output that we get in turn. Our body generates a lot of begrime substances like excreta, urinal, sweat, saliva...which all has foul smell. Words are the only beautiful things that can come out of our mouth, so why not utilize it. Also words are like inputs to our mind. Whatever we speak resonates in our mind first, then we speak and then we hear as we speak. In short it forms an impression in our mind and becomes a part of our subconscious mind and controls our lives. Hence use good words and let them be a part of your life.

Pain vs. pleasure. Our brain is divided into our subconscious and conscious mind and is dominated by the former. Since our very childhood subconsciously so many things have been embedded in our minds and we follow them even without realizing it. A small illustration of this would be since our very early ages we have told "Don't do this, don't go here, don't take this, don't, don't and don't......." and the list goes on. And subsequently this has formed a part of our subconscious mind. We can try and subdue this. Imagine a dumbbell in each of your hand. One is pain and the other is pleasure. Try and practice this... drop one pleasure and pick up one pain. Meaning stop doing something that you dearly love doing, like drinking/smoking, sleeping for late hours etc. And pick up one pain, may be start jogging, getting up early in the morning etc.

Be true to your words. The only way to gain trust for an individual in his personal and professional life or even for a brand in the market is through the commitment of their words. This is also the way to gain respect for ourselves and also in the eyes of others for what we are.

All said and done....nobody like changes. The only two ways to achieve the above is either through intensity or repetitions. And always believe in "I can…..". Cheers!

Monday, December 15, 2008

My thoughts.....

Its been long that I wanted to write something to vent out my feelings but still am not too sure whether I will be successful in explaining what i feel these days. I am confused, everyday I get up in the morning i am in a different mood, with a lot of mixed feelings. One moment I am sad, the other I am very happy and excited and the next moment feeling gloomy again. Waiting for something unexpected to happen that might change my life. Lately, future thoughts have started raising so many questions in my mind. Want something in life, but that "something" is not defined yet. I am struggling to bring each day to an end. Everyday office is the same, see people working, laughing and chatting. Though I am very much a part of everything around me but somehow I cannot associate with anything.
I sit back and ask myself, was I always like this? Is there something wrong with me? Or this is another passing phase that everybody goes through in their lives? Am waiting for it to get over....but the wait seems to get longer and longer.........
Am not sure if I have been successful in explaining my thoughts through this write up. And actually even I myself dont know what is this that I am udergoing through and if I understand it completely. phew! may be i will overcome it soon.......